Episode 11

Dual Recovery Anonymous

Published on: 11th April, 2022

Dual Recovery Anonymous™ is a 12 Step self-help program that is based on the principals of the Twelve Steps and the experiences of men and women in recovery with a dual diagnosis. The DRA program helps us recover from both our chemical dependency and our emotional or psychiatric illness by focusing on relapse prevention and actively improving the quality of our lives. In a community of mutual support, we learn to avoid the risks that lead back to alcohol and drug use as well as reducing the symptoms of our emotional or psychiatric illness.

There are only two requirements for membership:

  • A desire to stop using alcohol or other intoxicating drugs.
  • A desire to manage our emotional or psychiatric illness in a healthy and constructive way.

DRA members are encouraged to build a strong personal support network. That network may include support from chemical dependency or mental health treatment facilities, medical or social service professionals, and spiritual or religious assistance in addition to other 12 step or self-help groups. DRA has no opinion on the way the other groups address dual disorders or dual recovery. We do not offer advice regarding specific forms of treatment for the various types of emotional or psychiatric illnesses. However, we do share our personal experiences regarding the ways that we have learned to cope with our symptoms by applying the 12 steps in our daily lives.

The Dual Recovery Anonymous™ approach to dual recovery is based on a simple set of ideas and steps. They are suggestions for recovery rather than a set of rules. They encourage us to find our own personal recovery, the one that is most meaningful. They are meant to support those of us who wish to bring a spiritual dimension to our dual recovery. The DRA program is worked on a day-by-day basis.

Here are the suggestions for dual recovery:

  • Today, I will be free of alcohol and other intoxicating drugs.
  • Today, I will follow a healthy plan to manage my emotional or psychiatric illness.
  • Today, I will practice the Twelve Steps to the best of my ability.

Dual Recovery Anonymous Meeting Directory - Find a Virtual Meeting — Massachusetts Clubhouse Coalition (massclubs.org)

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About the Podcast

Substance Use Disorder; Hope, Health and Healing
SAFE Radio (a product of the SAFE Coalition) will examine the disease of Substance Use Disorder. Each week the program will feature guests that are subject matter experts covering topics such as treatment options, coping strategies and recovery.

The SAFE Coalition exists to provide pathways for support, education, coping mechanisms and treatment options for Substance use Disorder

About your host

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Peter Fasciano